Date: 19.10.2022

Making Metro an even greater automotive success factor

Ask people in the Automotive industry what leads to success and you’ll hear product quality, more frequently than any other factor, but innovation, reliability, performance and value are also critical factors. Matt Weight, Metro’s automotive director, believes that his team share the same qualities, together with agility and excellence.

Since its foundation in 1981, Metro has been active in the Automotive sector, building a strong professional team, to work with a formidable portfolio of clients across finished cars, commercial vehicles, components and parts. Roll in construction and farm equipment and there is probably no one better placed or experienced in the logistics business with the diversity of tailored solutions in these sectors.

Long-term relationships have been built with some of the biggest automotive, prestige, sport and commercial vehicle manufacturers, together with their suppliers and parts distributors.

Dedicated senior resource continue to manage these core customer relationships, enhancing the quality, reliability and performance of the service provided by Metro, and constantly seeking opportunities to add more value.

Reviewing recent progress and next steps, Matt Weight comments…

“The automotive audit far exceeded expectations, with the board 100% committed to the sector and high levels of automotive expertise identified across all strands of the business, from senior management, through the commercial team and into every operations area.”

“The automotive industry continues to face significant supply chain challenges, with component bottlenecks impacting just-in-time manufacturing and more near-shoring activity, while the drive towards electric cars brings its own logistics and transport challenges.”

“I know we have the expertise, capability and resources to help our customers success stay on track, even in these difficult times. For the first time we will draw together all our automotive experts into a single division, in an innovation that will provide a single point of focus for all automotive activity, to enhance communication, productivity, visibility  and agility.”

“Across our automotive portfolio we provide the widest range of top-quality specialised services, that help individual customers overcome the most difficult problems, hit the tightest deadlines and meet the most demanding expectations. Our new automotive division will make those solutions available to ALL our customers.”

Road Freight (components and finished vehicles)
Sea Freight container (components and finished vehicles)
Air Freight (components and finished vehicles)
Lithium Ion Battery movements by Air or Sea
Prototype and Show model vehicles
Test vehicles to Global test facilities
Full and Part Charter for major events and launches

“Innovation will be an inherent characteristic of the new division, we will expand our 4PL control tower product, creating end-to end visibility and control. “

“Metro has a reputation for being easy to do business with and has an agile and responsive management style with quick decision making.”

“This is just the start and we will continue to update you as our strategy evolves and the department continues its growth trajectory.”

If you would like to discuss our automotive capability, or learn more about Matt’s plans, EMAIL him now. Matt really is one of the logistics industries’ heavyweight automotive experts – and you have access to his advice, experience and recommendations at all times. Please do take advantage of his knowledge.