Freight market report July
Our freight market report for July includes the latest insights across road, sea and air, together with currency forecasts and an update on the automotive sector.
Metro’s freight market reports provide all the critical freight knowledge you need, in one place.
With premium sea freight rates moving closer to FAK [freight all kinds] rate levels, supply and demand remains an issue, and currently not always in the shipping lines’ favour. We explore the shippers options.
Global air cargo volumes are down 5% YoY, but the expectation that trend will go into reverse as China softens its zero-COVID stance, may be misguided. We explain why.
The road freight sector has been hit particularly hard by increasing fuel prices, pushed higher by the Ukraine crisis, with the cost of running a truck £20K more than a year ago. We explore the market situation and outlook.
With the UK’s inflation rate the highest in 40 years and the highest in the G7, the pound has dropped to new lows against the dollar and worse may follow. We consider what may happen next.