French Customs issue Brexit guidance
French Customs authorities have published guidance for UK businesses in the event of a no deal EU Exit.
If the UK leaves the EU with no deal Brexit customs formalities and controls at the border between France and the UK will be reinstated for goods.
Any exchange of goods between France and the UK, both for imports and exports, will be subjected to two customs declarations, one to British Customs and one to French Customs.
French Customs has developed an IT system that will automate border controls for trucks passing through the ports of Calais, Dunkirk and the Channel Tunnel.
In order to benefit from the automated border crossing, shippers must prepare customs declarations before checking-in their goods at the ports of Calais, Dunkirk or at the Channel Tunnel.
Successful lodging of the customs declaration will be confirmed by a bar-code that will allow their goods to cross the border hassle-free.
French Customs and Excise has issued two pieces of guidance to help UK businesses prepare for the new arrangements: – Anticipate your customs declarations for a hassle-free crossing – Preparing for Brexit: French customs guidelines
Click HERE to see the French guidance.